Glossary of Terms



means, in relation to Pool Charges, the invoicing and payment or receipt of such Pool Charges, pursuant to Section O, and Clear and Cleared shall be construed accordingly

Commercial Offer Data

means commercial offer data in respect of a Pool Unit as set out in Section J.5.2 of the Market Rules

Committee Meeting

means a meeting of the Market Advisory Committee (or where applicable a sub-committee)

Committee Member

means a member of the Market Advisory Committee (or where applicable a sub-committee)


has the meaning given in Section E.2.8 of the Market Rules


has the meaning given in Section I.5.6.2(b) of the Market Rules

Confirmed Aggregate Pool Price

means the Aggregate Pool Price from a Confirmed Pool Run

Confirmed Daily Energy Settlement Statement

means a Daily Energy Settlement Statement in respect of a Confirmed Energy Settlement Run

Confirmed Energy Settlement Run

means an Energy Settlement Run performed in respect of a Confirmed Market Schedule Run

Confirmed Market Schedule

means the Market Schedule in respect of a Confirmed Market Schedule Run

Confirmed Market Schedule Run

means the Market Schedule Run carried out Ex-Post for the purposes of Settlement (and where applicable Trading and payment of Pool Charges) in accordance with Section I.5.6.2(b) of the Market Rules

Confirmed Monthly Scarcity Price Run

means the Scarcity Price Run in respect of all Trading Days in the Month which is carried out Ex-Post for the purposes of Settlement (and where applicable Trading and Clearing) in accordance with Section I.5.6.2(b) of the Market Rules

Confirmed Monthly Scarcity Settlement Run

means the Scarcity Settlement Run in respect of the Confirmed Monthly Scarcity Price Run

Confirmed Monthly Scarcity Settlement Statement

means a Settlement Statement in respect of a Confirmed Monthly Scarcity Settlement Run

Confirmed Pool Prices

means System Marginal Price and/or Scarcity Price, as appropriate, from a Confirmed Pool Run

Confirmed Pool Run

means a Confirmed Market Schedule Run and/or a Confirmed Monthly Scarcity Price Run, as applicable

Confirmed Settlement Run

means a Confirmed Energy Settlement Run and/or Confirmed Monthly Scarcity Price Run, as applicable

Confirmed Settlement Statement

means a Confirmed Daily Energy Settlement Statement and/or a Confirmed Monthly Scarcity Settlement Statement, as applicable

Connection Agreement

means an agreement for Connection between a Generator or operator of a Production Facility and the Transmission Company or a Licensed Distribution System Operator

Connection Point

has the meaning given in the Grid Code or the Distribution Code, as appropriate

Constrained On Credit

has the meaning given in Section L.4.3.1 of the Market Rules


means an amount (in OMR) credited in the Pool to the Pool Participant in respect of a Pool Unit

Curtailed Quantity

means, in relation to a Price Taker Production Unit in a Trading Period h, the quantity of Output which the Transmission Company estimates in accordance with the Curtailed Quantity Methodology could have been Generated if its operation was unconstrained

Curtailed Quantity Methodology

means the Approved Methodology referred to in Section K.2.3.1 of the Market Rules for determining Curtailed Quantities

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