Glossary of Terms


Main Interconnected System

means the Total System (as defined in the Sector Law) excluding the following systems:

  1. any Systems located outside of Oman;
  2. the System located in the Dhofar region;
  3. the System located in the Musandam region;
  4. the System operated by the Petroleum Development Oman LLC; and

any System developed and/or operated by Rural Areas Electricity Company (until and unless such System becomes part of the Main Interconnected System in accordance with Section E.4.7 of the Market Rules.

Market Advisory Committee or MAC

means the committee established pursuant to Section C.5 of the Market Rules and includes a sub-committee

Market Audit

means the audit to be carried out in respect of the operation of the Market Rules in each Year in accordance with Section C.4.1.1  of the Market Rules

Market Data

means certain Data relating to Settlement as specified in Annex H-2 of the Market Rules and such other Data as may be prescribed by the Authority

Market IT System

means collectively the central systems (including processing systems, databases, telecommunication systems and other information systems, but excluding the Market Scheduling Software) established, operated and maintained by the Market Operator for the operation of the Pool

Market Operator

means OPWP acting in the capacity of Market Operator pursuant to condition [XXX] of the OPWP Licence and the Market Rules

Market Register

means the register of details in respect of Pool Participants and Pool Units, to be established and maintained by the Market Operator in accordance with Section H.4 of the Market Rules

Market Review

means a periodic review of the Market Rules carried out pursuant to Section C.4.4 of the Market Rules

Market Rules

means the rules set out in the Market Rules Document

Market Rules Document

means this Oman Electricity Market Rules Document as designated by the Authority pursuant to the OPWP Licence and from time to time modified in accordance with its provisions for modification

Market Rules Procedure or MRP

means any of the procedures established by the Market Operator for the implementation of the Market Rules, as from time to time modified, in accordance with Section C.6

Market Schedule

has the meaning given in Section L.2.1.1 of the Market Rules

Market Schedule Daily Energy Credit

has the meaning given in Section L.3.2.2 of the Market Rules

Market Schedule Energy Credit

has the meaning given in Section L.3.2.1 of the Market Rules

Market Schedule Make Whole Credit

means the Credit that reflects the potential difference between Market Schedule Production Cost and Market Schedule Daily Energy Credit for a Production Block over Trading Day, as calculated in Section L.3.3.6 of the Market Rules

Market Schedule Run

has the meaning given in Section L.2.3.7 of the Market Rules

Market Scheduling Software

has the meaning given in Section L.2.3.1 of the Market Rules

Market Website

means the website established and operated by the Market Operator in accordance with Section C.2.4 of the Market Rules


means a modification of the Market Rules Document, and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly

Modification Proposal

means a proposal that a Modification should be made

Modifications Process

means the process by which Modifications are proposed, processed, developed, assessed, approved (or not approved) and come into effect and are implemented pursuant to Section G.4 of the Market Rules of these Market Rules

Monthly Adjusted Scarcity Credit

means the sum of Adjusted Scarcity Credit in a Month with respect to a Pool Scheduling Unit, calculated in accordance with Section M.6.2.5 of the Market Rules

Monthly Energy Credit

means the value of Energy Credits in a Month

Monthly Energy Settlement Statement

means a Settlement Statement issued to in relation to Energy Credits for a Month

Monthly Scarcity Credit

means the value of Scarcity Credits in a Month

Monthly Scarcity Credit Cap

means the maximum possible cumulative Scarcity Credit amount for a Month, as determined by the Market Operator in accordance with the Monthly Scarcity Credit Cap Methodology

Monthly Scarcity Credit Cap Methodology

means the Approved Methodology referred to in Section M.5.4.4 of the Market Rules for determining Monthly Scarcity Credit Caps

Monthly Scarcity Settlement Statement

means a Settlement Statement issued to in relation to Scarcity Charges for a Month

Monthly Total Preliminary Scarcity Credit

means the sum of Preliminary Scarcity Credits in a Month over all Pool Scheduling Units

Must Run Methodology

means the Approved Methodology referred to in Section E.2.7.5 for determining Must Run Status and the Must Run Auxiliary Consumption Variation Threshold

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